Crank Test

In today’s video we’re going to be discussing and demonstrating the tight shoulder test, or the crank test. In this test, the arm is placed into an end range of motion position: and if the patient has capsulitis, then the patient will have pain. If they don’t have capsulitis, they will not, and it will feel like a stretch. To begin with, ask the patient if they’ve ever dislocated their shoulder. [To patient]: Have you ever dislocated your shoulder” [Patient]: No. Good. If the answer is yes, don’t do this test. Second, grab a hold of the wrist, (the patient’s wrist), one hand on the shoulder, and ask the patient to relax. [To patient:] Relax. Take the arm, put it into this position, and crank it back. [To patient]: Does that hurt? [Patient]: No. She does not have capsulitis. Now, for the sake of this video, and for demonstration purposes, she is going to pretend she has capsulitis, and make the face- the appropriate face that people who do have capsulitis make. So we’ll try it again. [To patient]: Have you ever dislocated your shoulder? [Patient]: No. [To patient]: Okay, now relax. (Patient winces). That was the capsulitis face. As soon as you see that face, stop doing the Crank Test.