Before Surgery

Prior to surgery you will need to attend to the following pre-operative appointments. Below is a list and description of these appointments. Along with the name of the pre-operative appointment is listed the location of the appointment, a rough estimate of the time required for the appointment and an estimate of when the meeting is to occur in relation to the surgery. You can look up the location on the map provided (see Map). The time estimate is simply an estimate. Delays should be anticipated. Usually all of these meetings (with the exception of your meeting with your primary care doctor) can be completed in one day at Straub.

Primary Care Provider (PCP)

Where?            At your PCP’s office or over the telephone
When?                   Within one month prior to surgery
How long?            Time variable
With whom?         Your primary care physician

The purpose of this visit with your regular doctor is to help minimize the chances of complications occurring during and after surgery. The tests that your PCP may order include among others laboratory/blood work, a chest X-ray, an EKG electrical heart test. If all is well then you will receive “clearance”. This means that your PCP feels that the chance of something bad happening to you related to the surgery has been minimized. We can then proceed with surgery. If the tests reveal abnormalities then surgery may have to be postponed or even cancelled.

Pre-Operative Group Meeting

Where?                Dr. Weldon’s Office
When?                   1-5 days prior to surgery.
How long?            15-20 minutes.
With whom?         Surgical Counselors and other patients

At this class you will gather with other patients of Dr. Weldon and meet your Surgical Nurse Counselor. At this class you will learn about the logistics of surgery: the how, where and when of this process. You will also receive instructions on how to prepare yourself for surgery.

Pre-Operative Individual Meeting

Dr. Weldon/ PA-C/ Consent for Surgery
Where?         Makai 3rd Floor, Dr. Weldon’s Office, Bone and Joint Center.
When?             1-5 days prior to surgery.
How long?      5-15 minutes.
With whom?   Dr. Weldon or his PA-C

You will meet with Dr. Weldon or his PA-C in an examination room one or two days before surgery. At this time, Dr. Weldon or his PA-C will go over the planned surgery, discuss your treatment options and the risks and benefits of your various options for treatment. Also at this time, Dr. Weldon or his PA-C will answer questions you or your family may have pertaining to your diagnosis, your options, the surgery or the surgical process. If after this discussion both you and Dr. Weldon believe surgery is the right choice and you feel fully informed then you will read and sign the Consent Form (see form 1). Surgery cannot proceed without this important step.

Pre-Operative Anesthesia Meeting

Where?                 Over the telephone
When?                   1-5 days prior to surgery
How long?            20-30 minutes
With whom?         Anesthesia nurse

Depending on your medical history, our pre-operative anesthesia team may need to meet with you. The purpose of this call is to help evaluate your anesthesia risk. A nurse will look at all of your records including your medication, your medical history, allergies and other aspects related to anesthesia.  If deemed necessary, additional meetings may be required with our Anesthesiologist and Pharmacist.